My High Schooler Photo Walk Experience

Last time I wrote about Pentax’s exciting announcement and its plans to reintroduce film cameras aimed in part at younger photographers. This is welcome news and would fill an important need, a point that was driven home to me recently when I led a Photo 1 high school class on a photo walk. All of the students owned film cameras including some oldies but goodies like the Nikon FM2 and Canon AE1!!  I asked them why they were taking a photography class and more specifically why they were interested in film. The general response was that they wanted to do something creative and have fun. There you have it … perfect reasons to go out into the world with a film camera!!! As we meandered about I pointed out things they should be looking for and often routinely pass by without a thought and answered questions they had. I had a great time and afterwards hung out with the Photo 2 class as they made black and white prints in Nazareth Area High School’s very well equipped darkroom.

The Pentax announcement and my walkabout experience gives me great hope about the future of analog photography and the young people that are discovering it and helping to keep it alive.  I know digital is here to stay. But the more that people give film and traditional processes a try, the more they will recognize what a beautiful means of artistic expression is at their disposal, as well as an approach to making art in a much more fulfilling way.

Stay well,


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