June 29th Is Almost Here!

It’s almost here!  That’s right! June 29th is just around the corner and I know you have it marked on your calendar or in your iPhone or whatever you keep track of monumental events.

Yes, it’s National Waffle Day.  And yes, it’s also National Almond Butter Crunch Day.  Wow I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!  But wait, it’s so much more.

Drum roll please!

You’ve been counting the days with anticipation and just itching to use it. Yes, it’s also National Camera Day!!!!

No one seems to know for sure what the origin of this most important day is, but who cares! It exists to remind us to dust the cobwebs off our machines of choice and get out there and make photographs.

According to the NBC story, there are no official numbers of how many photos are made each day, but estimates are that more than 1 trillion are made yearly!  An average of 95 million photos are uploaded daily on Instagram and over 300 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day.  The vast majority is shot with digital cameras or mobile phones and it’s mostly useless rubbish.

Look we all know that it takes a much greater effort to first make sure you have film, then to make sure you remember to load it into your camera. Ok, I get that, so here is what I suggest … you still have a couple of days to make sure you have some film. If not go get some and load your camera. Then on National Camera Day go and find a moment during lunch or whenever and make a photograph or two.  Better yet, make some more and don’t wait to Wednesday. Could be pictures of family or friends, or anything that captures your imagination. And for gosh sakes don’t travel to do it!  There’s more than enough exciting material right where you live. Concentrate on that … it might create a whole new creative phase!

So there you have it. June 29th is National Camera Day.  Be there, or be square!

Stay well,


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