A Point of View in Our Work

Well, I’m a black and white photographer … right?  So lets start with that … I see and display the world in black and white.

I recently showed my work to someone I respect in the photo/art world for a critique. He told me I was a real photographer and my work had a signature to it. He thought there was sweetness to it … it was sensitive. That having been said, he told me people are not buying the kind of work I make. Thankfully I don’t worry about such considerations, but all right … no harm, now foul!

This made me think about my work and what I produce consciously and unconsciously. I never thought about my work that way. I just made pictures. But now that it was brought to my attention it was ah ha moment.  I just needed some assistance for my sudden epiphany!  My point of view was realized and I understood what I have been doing all these years.


All of this has made me think about the vast amount of unkind, harsh and exploitive photography we are constantly bombarded with.  I’ve never liked it. Yes, I know the world can be a harsh and unfriendly place, seemingly more so than ever, but I think there are choices for the way we can display it in our personal work.

So what about your personal work?  Do you have a point of view that supports what you’re striving to produce? Is your work sensitive; does it have some empathy in it … or is it something else?  Think about it.  Do you have a point of view? If not, what would you like it to be and how can you express it in your work?

Stay safe,


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