My Inclusion in the 27th Annual Phillips Mill Photographic Online Exhibition, and Adapting to Our New Normal

Life goes on during Covid-19.  I had decided to enter some of my photographs in the annual Phillips Mill Photographic Exhibition (PMPE) competition here in Bucks County because the great photographer Emmet Gowin was going to be the juror.  I wanted to see how I would do. The ground rules were that all photographs submitted had to be made within the last five years.  I was pleased to learn that two of my photographs were selected and one of them was given a prestigious award.

I was very much looking forward to the show held annually at the Phillips Mill.  The mill was built in 1756, and is situated alongside the Delaware River; it’s a beautiful venue for viewing photographs.  I was also looking forward to meeting Emmet Gowin whose work I have long admired.  None of that worked out thanks to Covid-19.  The people I really feel sorry for are the many volunteers that worked long hours to make this wonderful show a reality.  The good news for me was besides having two pictures selected from 1000 entries, I was able to meet Spencer Saunders and Alina Marin-Bliach who co-chaired this event. They are truly dedicated to what they are doing and are also wonderful photographers.  I look forward to getting to know both of them better and supporting the important work they are doing at Phillips Mill.  And who knows, maybe someday I will be able to meet Emmet Gowin and thank him personally!

This whole experience has shown me just how fragile our individual existences are. It has also reinforced what is really important in my life.  Family most of all, my friends, and the relationships I have made in the areas that matters the most to me.  At the top of the list would be photography.  I am grateful to people like Spencer and Alina, and the many other volunteers that worked to put this show together.  Rather than call it a day, they decided not to throw in the towel in the face of adversity.

The easy thing would have been to bag the show completely and tell people to pick up their prints when the virus passed. Instead, they put together a beautiful on-line exhibition!

Thank you all!

Part of the new normal for the rest of us that don’t wish to feel sorry for ourselves being stuck at home is to keep pushing forward with our lives, including our creative lives. Towards this end, I spent most of last weekend walking around and photographing in my neighborhood and the Doylestown area.  I had a wonderful time and made many more photographs than I originally thought I would.  Now to develop the film and see if there are any keepers to print!

If you have a moment, please take a look at the exhibit here then do something that enriches your photographic life.  Life is short; make the best out of our new normal.

Stay safe,


2 thoughts on “My Inclusion in the 27th Annual Phillips Mill Photographic Online Exhibition, and Adapting to Our New Normal

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Many thanks for you most kind words!! I’m glad you like the photograph. Funny, I almost didn’t submit it!

      Best wishes and stay safe.



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