Mini Review: Arista EDU Ultra Glossy FB VC Paper (aka Fomabrom Variant III) – Part 4

I am hoping that this is the final installment of the saga concerning my trials and tribulations with this paper and its twin Fomabrom Variant III.  So is Arista EDU Ultra the evil twin.  Sadly, in my experience, the answer is yes.  Over the recent holiday week I finished my Arista paper and went through an entire new box of Fomabrom.  And the results … the same icky molting of emulsion on the Arista paper’s edges with several prints during the hypo and selenium toning steps. And sure enough, again one print was ruined as the pealing went into the image itself!

How about the Fomabrom? One hundred sheets and not one bit of cosmic debris (for you Frank Zappa fans) floating in my trays from the final ones that made it to the toning process. So I guess that settles it for now. Both are incredibly fine papers that enable magical prints. And both cost $99.95 for a box of 100 8×10 sheets.  Seems like a simple decision. I will be using Fomabrom Variant III exclusively going forward … or will I?

I just checked on the Freestyle website to confirm pricing and noticed that both the 25 and 100 8×10 sheet boxes are “out of stock” and other Fomabrom papers are mostly listed as “out of stock” or in “low stock”. #$@%^$#%^&!  The Arista paper appears to be in stock, but I’ve been to this rodeo a few too many times and I hope this isn’t a replay of those experiences.

Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Mini Review: Arista EDU Ultra Glossy FB VC Paper (aka Fomabrom Variant III) – Part 4

  1. David Thomas

    Alas, operating in this now arcane niche world it seems we just about settle in on a product and it dries up. (PlusX? Neopan 400? Acros?) Appears the only thing constant is change!

    Just checked the two legendary photo sources in NYC and note most of the FOMA FB stuff shows as “special order,” with a “subject to availability” thrown in. Methinks that does not bode well, but who knows in this crazy world! (Are there tariffs on fiber based paper?!) Anyway, good luck on your quest.

    1. Michael Marks Post author


      Good to hear from you as always. I hear what you are saying!!! I am a victim concerning Plus-X and Acros! I am pretty sure that B&H carries some but not all of the Fomabrom papers. They have not carried Variant III FB as far as I know. I will be checking in with Freestyle and hope my worst fears are not confirmed!




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