Philadelphia’s Finest

In February I decided to go to Manayunk to see the Mummers Mardi Gras Parade.  For those not familiar with the Mummers, it’s a Philadelphia area institution dating back to the 1800s. Mummers are folks that love to perform in parades and other venues and belong to over 40 “clubs” focusing on five parade categories: Comics, Wench Brigades, Fancies, String Bands and Fancy Brigades.  With over 10,000 members wearing customs that need to be seen to believe, Mummers are a real force of nature!

The big parade and main event for Mummers is on New Year’s Day, but the temperature this year was only 2 degrees so I decided to take a pass.  Ok before you call me a wimp I had a back up plan … go to the less insane and smaller Mardi Gras Parade in Philly’s funky and quaint Manayunk neighborhood to be held a month and a half latter when the weather would hopefully be more hospitable.  When the day finally arrived it was warmer, but also raining.


I arrived near the parade route. Of course the rain hadn’t stopped and I couldn’t find a parking space.  So after a long walk and being somewhat on the wet side I reached my destination. The Mummers are pretty hardy and it takes a lot to stop them but alas there was a rain delay. What to do?  Go into one of the many crowded bars or find something relatively dry to stand under and eat my Cliff Bar.  Lucky for me I saw a little something to stand under that had attracted some Philadelphia police officers who were also waiting for the parade to start. Perfect!

I made a beeline to the spot and immediately took care of the first order of business … the Pomegranate Cliff Bar was actually pretty good.  Lack of dedication … no … hungry … yes.  Once I got that out of the way I introduced myself and had a great conversation with them … for almost an hour! I asked a lot of goofy questions, like why are there so many different police hats, including my favorite – the zippy little number that looks like the top is folded down on both sides. I learned a lot and I had a heck of a good time chatting with them while waiting for the rain to finally stop.  I also managed to make a photograph I am happy about.

Finally the rain finally stopped and the parade went on as planned albeit, about an hour or so behind schedule. I had Frank with me loaded with Tri-X. Not a bad idea for a gloomy day. In the end I went through a 36-exposure roll and called it a day.

The proof sheet indicated two images and possibly a third worth a try.  The one shown here was certainly not what I thought I would get that day, but it turned out to be a nice truffle.  The point is that you never know what is going to happen, so when things don’t go as planned look for other options.  Don’t pack up and go home. I ended up having a great time with Philly’s Finest and got a nice photograph to show for it.  The parade itself was enjoyable, but the results not nearly as interesting and meaningful as my found surprise.

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