Upcoming Workshop: Living a Photographic Life – Balancing the Day to Day with Personal Enrichment, Chimayo Gallery, Wednesdays June 7-July 12, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Together with the Chimayo Gallery, located in Perkasie, PA, I am adopting my popular class taught at Delaware Valley University’s Center for Learning In Retirement to make it available to a wider audience. This series of classes will provide a fun and learning experience in a friendly and supportive environment for photographers of all skill levels.

Learn how to make photography important, fun and rewarding so it will become an integral part of your life despite all the other activities and responsibilities you have.

“Keeping your head in the game”. That idea relates to the joy of living a photographic life. The question is how to do this! Let’s face it; most of us have non-photographic jobs, family obligations, etc. So short of making photography your livelihood, what can you do? Obviously you will want to go out into the world and make photographs. Trouble is that most don’t have the time or ability to do that on a regular and continuous basis. So our avocation can’t be our vocation. Time to move onto Plan B, which for most of us is the real world. But living in the real world doesn’t mean we cannot live a photographic life. That is a major part of what this course is about, as well as to help you make better pictures that you will be proud of and want to actually have displayed.

Yes displayed! The reason we are going to do this is that in today’s world many rarely hold a meaningful photograph in their hands let alone see one on their walls! Rather most store them on their iPhone, iPad or computer, or perhaps upload them to photo sites like Flickr on the Internet.

You will produce a portfolio project containing 10 printed photographs on a theme of your choice along with a written essay describing why you chose it, what it means to you, and what was learned during the course of making the photos and arranging your portfolio.

In addition to the theme/portfolio, students will be making photographs every week to bring in for discussion and friendly critique. The purpose of this to get a better idea of composition and light, as well the importance of meeting the objective you had in mind when you decided to make the photograph in the first place. Doing this every week will help you as you are thinking about making good photographs and building your final portfolio.

By the end of the course students will have learned about or discovered a range of activities that will enable them to always keep their heads in the game and will have created a strong portfolio to be proud of, containing photographs that deserve to be hung on the wall! 

Fee: $130

Please contact Chimayo Gallery by phone or email to reserve a spot.



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